Below is a complete list of GIM-relevant theses, in alphabetical order:
Beck, Bolette (2012): Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) with adults on sick leave suffering from work-related stress – a mixed methods experimental study
Blom, Katarina Mårtenson (2014) Experiences of Transcendence and the Process of Surrender in Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) – Development of New Understanding through Theories of Intersubjectivity and Change in Psychotherapy
Bonde, Lars Ole (2005): The Bonny Method of guided Imagery an Music (bmgim) with Cancer Survivors. A Psychological Study with focus on the Influence of BMGIM on Mood and Quality of Life.
Christensen, Erik (2012): Music Listening, Music Therapy, Phenomenology and Neuroscience
Maack, Carola (2012): Outcomes and Processes of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music and its Adaptations and Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy for Women with Complex PTSD
Moe, Torben (2001): Restituerende faktorer i gruppeterapi med psykiatriske patienter – baseret på en modifikation af Guided Imagery and Music (GIM).
Summer, Lisa (2009): Client Perspectives on the Music in Guided Imagery and Music (GIM)
Torres, Esperanza (2015):